
WHITE PAPER – Fast and Non-Destructive Prediction of Tablet Dissolution by Terahertz Spectroscopy

Details of the paper published jointly by Huxley Bertram, University of Cambridge, University of Strathclyde, EPSRC, CMAC, and Teraview.

Engineering Apprentice Vacancy

Huxley Bertram has an Electrical Engineering Apprentice, vacancy, please visit our careers page for more information.


Huxley Bertram’s Commitment to Quality Management – ISO 9001 Certified

Huxley Bertram has run its own Quality Management System for many years and it has been successfully audited by many major companies from industries such as the pharmaceutical and automotive. We took the decision to gain certification to ISO 9001 and this was approved in May 2019. In May 2020 Huxley Bertram successfully completed it’s ISO 9001 annual surveillance.

For the latest ISO certificate please contact us at



Huxley Bertram and Oxdevice, have produced a ventilator for overseas requirements.

More information to follow. If you would like to contact us please do so at –




Do You Need Assistance In Increasing COVID-19 Testing Throughput 

Huxley Bertram is keen to help us all get through COVID-19. Do you know any firms who need assistance in increasing COVID-19 testing throughput?

A number of firms have asked if we are helping with any of the COVID-19 calls. For instance, increasing the number of ventilators available or helping increase the number of COVID-19 tests available.

We are certainly helping where we can. We are part of a consortium trying to make an alternative ventilator available. Similarly we are in touch with a firm trying to increase its production throughput multi-fold to provide greater capacity for anti-body diagnostic tests.

Typically this is what we do for many clients: help them increase production by removing bottle-necks in production.

In the first instance, this can be simply mechanising manual tasks with equipment like bowl-feeders, rotary tables and bespoke stations like insertion tools.

If you need assistance (or know someone who does) to increase the testing capacity or production capacity for test kits, please put them in touch with us –




Huxley Bertram Celebrates 40th Anniversary


Huxley Bertram celebrated its 40th anniversary in September 2019. This video shows footage of the anniversary party.

TeraSolve – Terahertz Spectroscopy Tool Collaboratively Developed by Huxley Bertram

Huxley Bertram is proud to be involved in collaboratively developing new and leading technology, TeraSolve, it uses terahertz spectroscopy to measure the total porosity of tablets.
Together with TeraView (, Axel Zeitler from University of Cambridge ( and Daniel Markl from the University of Strathclyde, Huxley Bertram has developed a completely new terahertz spectroscopy sensor that can be used for at-line measurements for the development and quality testing of immediate release tablets in the pharmaceutical industry.
The instrument is capable of measuring the total porosity of tablets without any sample preparation in transmission in less than a second. The results of the measurement can be monitored in real-time and stored for subsequent analysis such as chemometric analysis using commonly available tools such as SIPAT.
Further research is in progress to translate this technology into in-line and/or on-line sensing applications for the pharmaceutical industry. The TeraSolve was developed as part of a collaborative project with GSK funded by Innovate UK, project reference 104196.
For more information, contact us at

Earing Measurement Machine Video

An overview of the workings of the Huxley Bertram Automatic Cupping and Earing Measurement machine.

Huxley Bertram Celebrating 40 Years

Huxley Bertram is celebrating 40 years this year. It was around April 1979 that William and Stewart first started the company. Now it’s time to have some cake.

2 celebration cakes celebrating 40 years of Huxley Bertram being in business


Stuart Huxley and William Bertram, celebrating 40 Years of Huxley Bertram Engineering